Informative Activity: Certain Animals Eat Grass

Children learn from this activity that certain plants, like grass, can be a source of food for certain living things.   In this work, the children can place the grass eating/grazing animals in the meadow and use their imaginations to create their own life like story.  They also have the ability to experiment with placement and balance, as it can be difficult to appropriately place the grazing animals in the pasture.


In this activity, children differentiate between three leaf sizes, large, medium, and small.  Children use their fine motor skills to unscrew the different containers in order to place the leaves inside.  It can be helpful for the child to initially choose three different looking leaves and place them side-by-side in order to differentiate between the sizes.  Once they have established which of the leaves is which size, they can follow the examples they have set out and continue to sort the remaining leaves.

Sample Activities: Plants 

Please see the pictures below to see how the activities are set-up, what information they teach the child, and what skills they are able to develop through this work.


Sorting by Size Activity: Large, Medium, & Small Leaves

Murad Modified Montessori

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