Murad Modified Montessori

Educational Programs
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Week 1 Presentation- Part 1

Week 1 Presentation- Part 2

Sample Lesson Plan: Plants

Please see the pictures and lesson plan below to see how the material in a theme is presented and taught.


Circle time: Plants- Week 1

Materials: A live plant, a fake plant, magnifying glass, and a presentation mat.

Presentation: Plants (are Living Things)

Introduce the Theme (what we are studying today) by showing the children the theme card with clues (plants) and ask if they can guess what the class will be studying.  Ask children to share what they already know about plants.

Part 1:
Bring out the live plant from a hidden spot and place it on the presentation mat and ask the children if a plant is a living thing or non-living thing. When children respond with answer (living) ask them how do we know if something is living or not (needs food, water, air). 

Part 2:
Then talk about how sometimes it might be difficult to know if something is living or not (bring out fake plant and place it on the presentation mat next to the live plant).  Tell the children that one plant is living and one is non-living; ask the children how do we know which one is which?

Demonstration with student participation: How do you tell the difference between a living and non-living plant.  Discuss with the children how we need to use our special scientific thinking/method to find out.

1. Ask a question (which plant is living)
2. Make a guess/hypothesis (I think the plant that......)
3. Test your guess/hypothesis by experimenting (talk about how it is important to use some of our senses to find out and have either a teacher or different students volunteer to test the following: use our eyes to look/observe the plants, our nose to smell both plants, and our hands to touch both plants).  The use of a magnifying glass can also be helpful in this demonstration and can be used to observe the plants for further investigation.
4. Think about what happened and come to an answer/conclusion (the plant that was living had.....)

Explain to the children that this presentation work will be available in the classroom for them to use and explore.